Industrial Safety
Comprehensive service rendering in cooperation with the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service as applied to all types of activities in the field of industrial safety:
- design, construction, operation, reconstruction, major overhaul, technical upgrading, preservation and liquidation of a hazardous industrial facility;
- manufacture, installation, adjustment, maintenance and repair of technical equipment applied at a hazardous industrial facility;
- industrial safety review;
- training and refresher training of employees of a hazardous industrial facility in non-educational institutions;
Assurance of industrial safety in the framework of production activities:
- development of recommendations on establishment of industrial safety requirements for operation, major overhaul, preservation and liquidation of hazardous industrial facilities during elaboration of the safety case (safety analysis);
- development and introduction of the industrial processes’ monitoring system and arrangement of in-process inspection to check compliance with the industrial safety requirements;
- establishment and maintaining of the industrial safety management system;
- development of requirements for qualification of production premises and workplaces in the framework of acceptance of construction, reconstruction and technical upgrading of production facilities;
- arrangement of training and methodological process and pre-certification training of employees in the field of industrial safety.
Safety assurance of industrial facilities at all stages of their life cycle:
- during development of design documentation on construction and reconstruction of industrial facilities;
- during development of process engineering solutions within the organization and technical upgrading of production facilities;
- in the framework of current production activities (operation of industrial facilities);
- during reconstruction, technical upgrading and major overhaul.
Technical consulting:
- development of recommendations on establishment of requirements for the safety of processes while elaborating the safety case (safety analysis) for hazardous industrial facilities;
- development of methodological recommendations while generating and implementing the projects related to arrangement of licensed production abroad.
Industrial engineering:
- inspection and assessment of industrial buildings and industrial infrastructure in the course of operation;
- technical assistance in development of terms of reference and design documentation for non-standard equipment provided that the industrial safety requirements are met during manufacture and commissioning of non-standard equipment for special and hazardous production facilities;
- development and introduction of recommendation on energy efficiency during arrangement of production processes.